Your life. Own it!!!Don't seek approval from other's but grant ACCEPTance from YOURSELF. No matter what you DO or NOT DO people are bound to judge you and...
You are blessed everyday, Trust me.10% of life happens to you and 90% depends on how YOU choose to approach it. Now your thinking "What 10% happens!? I got shit loads of...
Budget Breakdown - West Australia ; Perth, Margaret river, Bunbury, Busselton, Dunsborough, CowaramFlight tickets - Scoot including: 3 hour wifi for 2 person return flights. Total: SGD 3837.10 for 6 people Car Rental Car renta: ...
Officially someones FiancéeOf cos i couldn't wait to tell the whole world what just happened, but... there was a silly misunderstanding haha. I'll keep this short...
The Surprise ProposalDon't have to wait for that perfect moment, MAKE the MOMENT Perfect. It was night time after dinner and we just arrived in Singapore from...